The correct option is B a, b, c and d
Female reproductive system
The female reproductive system includes the primary sex organs, accessory ducts, accessory glands and external genitalia.
Primary sex organs
Ovaries are the primary sex organs in females that produce the female gamete (ovum) and steroid hormones, like estrogens and progesterone.
Accessory ducts
The oviducts (fallopian tubes), uterus and vagina constitute the female accessory ducts.
Accessory glands
Accessory glands of the female reproductive system include Bartholin’s glands (greater vestibular glands), Skene's glands (lesser vestibular glands) and mammary glands.
External genitalia
External genitalia of the female reproductive system is called the vulva. The vulva includes mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, hymen and clitoris.
Final answer
(D) a, b, c and d