The correct option is
C L-(-)-glucose
Steps to Find Out D & L Configuration
1. Write the molecule in such a way that most oxidised carbon (-CHO) is at top.
2. Check lowest chiral carbon.
3. Observe the position of -OH attached to that carbon.
(a) if -OH on the right side, assigned as 'D' configuration.
(b) if -OH on the left side, assigned as 'L' configuration.
Optical Behaviour of Glucose
(+) or (d) represents
→ Dextrorotatory
(-) or (l) represents
→ Laevorotatory
NOTE: D and L are relative configuration and have no relation with d/(+) and l/(-).
Since the -OH group lies on right hand side in the structure it is said to have L configuration. In (-) glucose, -OH on the lowest asymmetric carbon is on the right side so (-) glucose is assigned to L-configuration. thus glucose is correctly named as L-(-)-glucose. Hence (c) is the correct option.