Class IntervalFrequency(fi)Cumulative frequency (cf)65−854485−10559105−1251322125−1452042145−1651456165−185864185−205468
∙ Here, n=68 and n2=34. Therefore, median class is 125−145
∙ Here, l=125,f=20,cf=22 and h=20
∙ Therefore, the median of the given data is 137 units.
Class IntervalFrequency (fi)Class mark (xi) ui=(xi−135h) (fiui)65−85475−3−1285−105595−2−10105−12513115−1−13125−1452013500145−16514155114165−1858175216185−2054195312∑fi=68∑fiui=7
∙ Here, a=135 and h=20
∙ Therefore, the mean of the monthly consumption of electricity is 137.05 units.
∙ Highest frequency is 20, therefore the modal class is 125−145
∙ Here, l=125,f1=20,f0=13,f2=14 and h=20
∙ Therefore, the mode of the monthly consumption of electricity is 135.77 units.
∙ The median of the monthly consumption of electricity is 137 units
∙ The mean of the monthly consumption of electricity is 137.05 units
∙ The mode of the monthly consumption of electricity is 135.77 units.
The three measures are approximately the same in this case.