ParticularsAmt.ParticularsAmtOpening Stock5,000Sales50,000Purchases25,000Closing Stock7,500Direct Expenses2,500Gross Profit25,000–––––––– ––––––57,500––––––––57,500––––––––Administrative Expenses7,500Gross Profit25,000Interest1,500Selling Expensses6,000Net Profit10,000–––––––– ––––––25,000––––––––25,000––––––––
Balance SheetCapital and LiabilitiesAmt.AssetsAmtShare Capital 50,000Land and Building25,000Current Liabilities20,000Plant and Machinery15,000Profit and Loss10,000Stock7,500Sundry Debtors7,500Bills Receivables6,250Cash in hand and at bank8,750Furniture10,000 –––––– ––––––80,000––––––––80,000––––––––
(i) Gross Profit Ratio
(ii) Current Ratio
(iii) Acid Test Ratio
(iv) Stock Turnover Ratio
(v) Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio
(i) Gross Profit Ratio
=Gross ProfitNet Sales×100=Rs. 25,000Rs. 50,000×100=50%
(ii) Current ratio
=Current AssetsCurrent Liabilities
Current Assets
= Stock + Sundry Debtors + Bills Receivable + Cash in hand and at Bank
= Rs. 7,500 + Rs. 7,500 + Rs. 6,250 + Rs. 8,750
= Rs. 30,000
Current Ratio=Rs. 30,000Rs. 20,000=32 or 1.5:1
(iii) Acid Test Ratio
=Liquid AssetsCurrent Liabilities
Liquid Assets = Current Assets – Stock
= Rs. 30,000 – Rs. 7,500
= Rs. 22,500
Acid Test Ratio =Rs. 22,500Rs. 20,000=98 or 1.125:1
(iv) Stock Turnover Ratio =
Cost of Goods SoldAverage Stock
Cost of Goods Sold
= Opening Stock + Purchases + Direct Expenses - Closing Stock
= Rs. 5,000 + Rs. 25,000 + Rs. 2,500 - Rs. 7,500
= Rs. 25,000
Average Stock=Opening Stock + Closing Stock2=Rs. 5,000 + Rs. 7,5002=Rs. 12,5002=Rs. 6,250
Stock Turnover Ratio=Rs. 25,000Rs. 6,250=4 times
(v) Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio=Net SalesNet Fixed Assets
Net Fixed Assets
= Land and Building + Plant and Machinery + Furniture
= Rs. 25,000 + Rs. 15,000 + Rs. 10,000
= Rs. 50,000
Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio =Rs. 50,000Rs. 50,000=1:1