The following table gives the distribution of the life time of 400 neon lamps:
Life time (in hours)Number of lamps1500−2000142000−2500562500−3000603000−3500863500−4000744000−4500624500−500048
Find the median life time of a lamp.
We can find the cumulative frequencies with their respective class intervals as below:
Life timeNumber of lamps (fi)Cumulative frequency1500−200014142000−25005614+56=702500−30006070+60=1303000−350086130+86=2163500−400074216+74=2904000−450062290+62=3524500−500048352+48=400Total (n)400
Now, we may observe that cumulative frequency just greater than n2(i.e.,4002=200) is 216 belonging to class interval 3000 - 3500.
Median class = 3000 - 3500
Lower limit l of median class = 3000
Frequency f of median class = 86
Cumulative frequency cf of class preceding median class = 130 Class size h = 500
So, median life time of lamps is 3406.98 hours.