The following table shows the chances of scoring a goal for different players. How many players have the maximum chance of scoring a goal?
The drawing below (figure), show angles formed by the goalposts at different positions of a football player. The greater the angle the better chance the player has of scoring a goal, e.g. The player has a better chance of scoring a goal from position A than from position B. Seven football players are practising their kicks. They are lined up in a straight line in front of the goalpost [figure (ii)]. Which player has the maximum chance of hitting the goal ?
Question 76(ii)
The drawing below (figure), show angles formed by the goalposts at different positions of a football player. The greater the angle the better chance the player has of scoring a goal, e.g. The player has a better chance of scoring a goal from position A than from position B. Now the players are lined up as shown in figure (iii) Which player has the best kicking angle?
Question 76(iii)
The drawing below (figure), show angles formed by the goalposts at different positions of a football player. The greater the angle the better chance the player has of scoring a goal, e.g. The player has a better chance of scoring a goal from position A than from position B. Estimate at least two situations, such that the angles formed by different positions of two players are the complement to each other.
Question 76(i)
The drawing below (figure), show angles formed by the goalposts at different positions of a football player. The greater the angle the better chance the player has of scoring a goal, e.g. The player has a better chance of scoring a goal from position A than from position B. Seven football players are practising their kicks. They are lined up in a straight line in front of the goalpost [figure (ii)]. Which player has the best (the greatest) kicking angle?