The girth of stem increases due to the activity of
Find the correct sets from the following. Type of meristematic tissueLocationFunctioni. Apical meristemTip of stem and rootsIncrease in lengthii. Lateral meristemLaterally placed inside stem and rootIncrease in girthiii. Intercalary meristemBase of leaves and internodesGrowth of leaves and stem
Find the correct sets from the following.
Type of meristematic tissueLocation Function i. Apical meristemTip of stem and rootsIncreases lengthii. Lateral meristemLateral sides of stem and rootIncreases girthiii. Intercalary meristemBase of leaves and internodes Growth of leaves and stem
Find the correct sets from the following. Type of plant tissueLocationFunctionI.Apical meristemTip of stem and rootsIncrease in lengthII.Lateral meristemLaterally placed inside stem and rootIncrease in girthIII.Intercalary meristemBase of leaves and internodesGrowth of leaves and stem