It is the largest mixed gland of the body which has both exocrine and endocrine parts.
It is a diffused leaf-shaped gland weighing about 60g.
The exocrine part of the gland secretes pancreatic juice which has the following enzymes mainly- trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, and procarboxypeptidase.
The pancreatic juice is alkaline in nature and contains digestive enzymes.
The endocrine part is represented by patches of cells called the islets of Langerhans.
The islets of Langerhans are composed of four types of cells namely alpha cells, beta cells, delta cells, and pancreatic polypeptide cells.
The alpha cells produce the hormone glucagon which causes an increase in the blood glucose level.
The beta cells produce insulin that functions by reducing blood glucose levels.
The delta cells produce somatostatin that inhibits the secretion of glucagon and insulin.
The pancreatic polypeptide cells secrete pancreatic polypeptide hormone that inhibits the release of pancreatic juice.