Let us arrange the letters of the word SACHIN in the alphabetical order.
In the dictionary, the words appearing first will begin with A, then C, then H, then I, then N and at last S.
Let us fix the first position as A.
A _ _ _ _ _
The 5 places above can be filled with letters C H I N S in 5P5 = 5! ways.
So,there are 5! i.e., 120 words possible with first letter being A
Similarly, fixing the first letter as C, the remaining 5 places can be filled with letters A H I N S in 5P5 = 5! ways
That is,
C _ _ _ _ _ →5! words possible
Proceeding in the similar way, number of words in the dictionary are
H _ _ _ _ _ →5! words
I _ _ _ _ _ →5! words
N _ _ _ _ _ →5! words
Now, we are left with words with 1st letter as S
The first word starting with S found in the dictionary is SACHIN as other letters A,C,H, I, N are in the alphabetical order.
So, before SACHIN, we calculated that there exists 5×5! words in the dictionary.
Therefore, the rank of the word SACHIN = 601