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The light within us gives us hope that it is possible for us to change. With close reference to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan's essay 'The Inward Light', give suitable examples to prove this point.

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In this essay, Dr.S. Radhakrishnan addresses the academic community of the University of Pennsylvannia,USA.He thanks the community for admitting him into the academic community.The author underlines the urgent need for the ‘inward light’ in bringing different ‘peoples’ of the world together. The essayist introduces to us the Quaker doctrine which proposes that there is something of God in everybody and that each human being, is of unique worth.This is why ‘quakers’ value all people equally and oppose anything that may harm or threaten them.Quakers seek religious truth in inner experience and place great reliance on conscience as the basis of morality. This, the essayist says has much in common with the traditional beliefs in India where the ‘Supreme’ or the ‘Ultimate Truth’ is called the ‘Avatar Jyoti’ or the ‘inward light’ in the human body or the ‘devalaya’ which means the temple of the Supreme.To remove the disparities between what is professes and what is practised in India, we should consider every human being to be entitled to the highest ‘divine possibility’, each embodying the spirit of God in him.

The author strikes at a very sensitive issue which we humans have been pondering over for ages. God is present within each of us, it is important that we realize that this energy resides within each one of us. This energy is called as 'Avatar bond' or the light which dwells in the inmost being of a man. The realization of this energy dissolves all the negativity in man, making him united with this supreme energy.
Change is inevitable; man has to change himself to survive. Charles Darwin in his book 'Origin of Species' emphasized at the same. It is always the survival of the fittest i.e., in order to survive as an individual, one needs to change himself according to the surroundings. If an individual does not change he will perish. The 'Change' is possible only when one realizes the light within. The realization of this light has led man forward to reach great heights. It has made man to accomplish the impossible. This light makes a man realize his purpose and value on earth. Man advances step by step and stage by stage. It is the very presence of this inward light that makes man to adjust himself to the changing conditions. Therefore if man is dedicated, devoted, sincere and committed, it is possible for him to bring a new world together, worthy of humanity.
According to the. Quaker belief the inner light is a true light, which enlightens every man that comes into the world. This puts forward the message that each one of us can experience God directly and hear his voice within as he resides in each one of us. This inner light would guide people to conduct oneself and get rid of sins from their hearts.
The author affirmed that true humanity is deeply seated in Vedantic teaching. There are many reformers like Rabindranath Tagore, Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru who were deeply committed to Hindu spirituality. To realize the role of the "Inner Light" Dr. kadhakrishnan stressed on the role of Yoga, which provides discipline and spiritual perfection. To shape a community of spirit among the people of the world which is essential for a truly essential society and lasting peace, we must forge bonds of international understanding. This can be possible only when we are acquainted with the masterpieces of literature, art and science produced in different countries. When one is in contact with these, one is lifted from the level of an average thinker and goes beyond mean and lame thoughts. Also when one is able to unite with these higher forms of work the disparities that exist between one's profession and practice ends.
The realization of the inner light within each of us reduces the separation that arises due to class, creed, religion and sex. When man realizes that it is the same inner light that lies within each one of us, there is hope for unity and no cause now for separation. There is oneness and a feeling of belongingness reducing issues of war, devastation and destruction. Man is one and unites with the supreme. Finally there is no 'I' or 'You' but only 'Us'. The faith in the supreme leads to a feeling of hope, trust and belief. The realization of this divine energy and the fire 'within will transform one's nature and conform us to the world as it is. Our whole nature would change and the habits that have come down from centuries will change. Man would realize the dire and the disastrous consequences of his old habits and finally he would change for the better.

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