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The major product [R] in the following sequence of reactions is:

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The correct option is B

Hydrite shift:

  1. A hydrogen atom in a carbocation may undergo a hydride shift to improve the stability of the intermediate structure.
  2. Usually, it is seen in rearrangement reactions. Compounds can produce structural isomers by moving a hydrogen atom from one carbon to another.

The correct answer is:(b)

  • Zaitsev's rule, Saytzev's rule, and Z-rule are all variations of Saytzeff's rule. Alexander Zaitsev, a Russian chemist, studied various elimination reactions and discovered a general pattern in the resulting alkenes.
  • Based on this analysis, Zaitsev concluded that stable alkenes are formed when hydrogen is removed from -carbon with a low number of hydrogen substituents.
  • Saytzeff's Rule enters the picture during elimination reactions.
  • The most substituted product is the most stable and preferred.
  • This rule only applies to the regiochemistry of the elimination reaction and does not generalize about the product stereochemistry.


  • Explanation: The by-product of a chemical reaction that is generated in the highest quantity of HgSO4/H2SO4.
  • NaBH4 both break triple bonds into ketone, which is then reduced by transforming them into alcohol.
  • In organic chemistry, reduction refers to the addition of hydrogen to a molecule or the removal of electronegative atoms from the molecule, such as oxygen or halogen.
  • Diagram:

The explanation for the incorrect options:


  • Explanation: The by-product of a chemical reaction that is generated in the highest quantity.
  • NaBH4 both break single bonds into ketone, which is then reduced by transforming them into alcohol.
  • A solvent protonates the oxygen in the alkoxide. Water, ethanol, and methanol are all acceptable solvents. These two processes happen at the same time.
  • Diagram:


  • Explanation: A solvent protonates the oxygen in the alkoxide. Water, ethanol, and methanol are all acceptable solvents. These two processes happen at the same time.
  • NaBH4 both break double bonds into ketone, which is then reduced by transforming them into alcohol.
  • Diagram:


  • Explanation: The by-product of a chemical reaction that is generated in the highest quantity. CHresonance is taking place.
    It is more stable.
  • Diagram:

The correct options are (b)

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