The maturity period of instruments of the money market ranges from one day to .
The maturity period of a commercial paper usually ranges from
(a) 20 to 40 days
(b) 60 to 90 days
(c) 120 to 365 days
(d) 90 to 364 days
Q41) With regarding to money market in India, consider the following statements
i) Money market is the market for short term lending and borrowing and deals only with secured loans
ii) Call money and notice money are important instruments of money market
iii) If the lending/borrowing is for only one day it is called call money
iv) If the lending /borrowing is for 2-14 days it is called notice money
Identify the correct statement/s
Some years are months.
All months are days.
I. Some days are not years.
II. All days are years.