The phase relationship between current and voltage in a purely resistive circuit is best represented by.
4. A purely resistive circuit is a circuit that has inductance so small that at normal frequency its reactance is negligible as compared to its resistance. In a purely resistive circuit whole of the applied voltage is utilized in overcoming the ohmic resistance of the circuit. A purely resistive circuit is also known as the non-inductive circuit.
5. From the expression of instantaneous applied voltage and instantaneous current it is evident that in a purely resistive circuit, the applied voltage and current are in phase with each other.
6. It is seen from the power curve for a purely resistive circuit no part of the power cycle becomes negative at any time i.e. in the purely resistive circuit power is never zero. This is so because instantaneous values of voltage and current are always either positive or negative and hence the product is always positive. The frequency of the power cycle is double that of the voltage and current waves.
7. The waveform for the voltage reduction across the resistor is exactly in phase with the waveform for the current through it since the resistor simply and directly resists the flow of electrons at all times. We can compare the values of current and voltage at any point in time along the horizontal axis of the plot.
8. The instantaneous voltage across the resistor is also zero when the instantaneous value for current is zero. Similarly, when the current through the resistor reaches its maximum value, the voltage across the resistor reaches its maximum value, and so on. Ohm's law holds for the instantaneous values of voltage and current at any point along the waves.
Hence, graph (C) is correct.