We have 2a0−1=1,2a1−1=1,2a2−1=52,2a3−1=192,2a4−1=712.
We observe that if we define b0=−1,b1=1,b2=5,b3=19,b4=71,
then bn+1=4bn−bn−1
for 1≤n≤3.
We will prove inductively that 2an−1=b2n, where b0=−1 and bn+1=4bn−bn−1
For all n≥1.
Suppose this is true for 1,2,...,n and observe that
Hence it suffices to prove that b2n+b2n−1−4bnbn−1−6=0.
This follows also by induction. It is true for n=1 andn=2.
Suppose it holds for n and observe that b2n+1+b2n−4bn+1bn−6=(4bn−bn−1)2+b2n−4(4bn−bn−1)bn−6
as desired.