The stability of +4 oxidation state will be maximum in:
Can you predict the trend of oxidization state?
The Stability of +4 oxidation state decreases down the group.
This is because of inert pair effect.
It is the reluctance of ns2 electrons to unpair and participate in chemical bond formation. It arises due to the presence of lesser shielding fully filled d- and or f-electrons between the valence shell electrons and the noble gas core (shielding effects: s>p>d>f).
Down the group (↓), the number of electrons in d- and /or f-orbitals increases and, hence, inert pair effect increases from Ge to Pb. Consequently, the stability of group oxidation state (+4) decreases in the order: Ge>Sn>Pb and that of lower oxidation state (+2) increases in the order : Ge<Sn<Pb.
Therefore the stability of +4 oxidation state will be maximum in C.