The star Aldebaran, otherwise known as Rōhini, has a mass of 1.16 MSun, where MSun is the mass of the Sun. Express Rōhini’s mass in kg.
A neutron star has a density equal to that of the nuclear matter. Assuming the star to be spherical, find the radius of a neutron star whose mass is 4.0 ×1030 kg (twice the mass of the sun).
A star 2.5 times the mass of the sun and collapsed to a size of 12 km rotates with a speed of 1.2 rev. per second. (Extremely compact stars of this kind are known as neutron stars. Certain stellar objects called pulsars belong to this category). Will an object placed on its equator remain stuck to its surface due to gravity? (Mass of the sun = 2 × 1030 kg).