The sum of ages of Priyanka and Deepika is years. Priyanka is elder to Deepika by years. Then find Priyanka's present age.
Explanation for the correct answer:
Let the age of Priyanka be years and that of Deepika be years. The sum of ages of Priyanka and Deepika is years.
Priyanka is elder to Deepika by 6 years.
Adding and we have
Putting the value of in (I) we have
Thus, Priyanka's age years and Deepika's age years.
Hence, option(C)is the correct answer
Explanation for the incorrect answer:
Option(A),Option(B) and Option(D):
By using the substitution method, Priyanka's age is calculated as .
So,options(A),(B) and (D) are incorrect answers.
Therefore,option(C)is the correct answer.