The x−y plane is the boundary between two transparent media. Medium 1 with z≥0 has a refractive index √2 and medium 2 with z≤0 has a refractive index √3. A ray of light in medium 1 given by the vector →A=6 √3 ^i+8√3 ^j−10 ^k is incident on the plane of separation. The angle between vector →A and the positive z - direction is
Refer to Fig. Ray PQ in x−y plane travelling in medium 1 (z≥0) at an angle i on the boundary (z = 0 plane) and is refracted along QR in medium 2 (z≤0) at an angle of reflection r.
Let θ be the angle between vector A and the positive z - direction. Since ^k is the unit vector along the positive z - axis, we have
Which gives θ=120∘ .