There are three bags and . The bag contains red and green balls, contains red and green balls, and contains red and green balls, Bags and have probabilities and respectively of being chosen. A bag is selected at random and a ball is chosen at random from the bag. Then which of the following options is/are correct?
Probability that the chosen ball is green, given that the selected bag is , equals .
Explanation of the correct options
Option : Probability that the chosen ball is green equals .
Let's plot the tree diagram,
Hence option is the correct option.
Option : Probability that the chosen ball is green, given that the selected bag is , equals .
Hence option is the correct option.
Explanation of the incorrect options
Option : Probability that the selected bag is and the chosen ball is green equals .
Hence option is the incorrect option.
Option : Probability that the selected bag is , given that the chosen balls is green, equals
Hence option is the incorrect option.
Hence, option and are the correct options.