Dear student,
Three fourth of the earth's surface is covered with water but still there is a scarcity of water and an urgent need to conserve water because 97 percent of water is present in oceans and seas which is salty and not meant for human consumption. Out of the remaining 3 percent only 1 percent is available to human beings for consumption in the form of rivers, lakes and streams.So, even if three fourth of the earth surface is covered with water bodies but in reality there is very less water.
Following are the ways by which we can conserve water and use it effectively:
a. Water should be used as per requirement without wastage and recycling of water should be done wherever possible.
b. Storing rain water in large amounts for future use.
c. More plantation of trees should be done. Trees absorbs water from the ground and brings balance in water cycle.
d. Sewage and industrial wastes should be treated well before disposing it into water source in order to reduce the water pollution and conserve water.