Thirty women were examined in a hospital by a doctor and the number of heart beats per minute were recorded and summarized as follows. Fine the mean heart beats per minute for these women, choosing a suitable method.
Number of heart beats per minute68−7171−7474−7777−8080−8383−86Number of Women2438742
Given data is,
Number of heart beats per minute68−7171−7474−7777−8080−8383−86Number of Women2438742
To find the class mark of each interval (xi), the following relation is used.
xi=Upper class limit+Lower class limit2
Class size, h of this data =3
Taking 75.5 as assumed mean (a), di and ui are calculated as follows.
Number of heart beats per minuteNumber of Womenxidi=xi−aui=di3fiui65−68266.5−9−3−668−71469.5−6−2−671−74372.5−3−1−674−77875.500−677−80778.531−680−83481.562−683−86284.593−6Total∑fi=30∑fiui=4
From the table,
size of the class interval h=3.
Mean =a+(∑fiui∑fi)h
Therefore, mean hear beats per minute for these women are 75.9 beats per minute.