Three sound waves of equal amplitudes have frequencies (v - 1), (v) and (v + 1). They superpose to give beats. The number of beats produced per second will be
When the three waves superpose at a point, then from the superposition principle, the resultant particle displacement at that point is given by
=a sin{2π(v−1)t}+a sin(2πvt)+a sin{2π(v+1)t}
Now sin{2π(v−1)t}+sin{2π(v+1)t}=2 cos2πt sin 2πvt
Therefore, y=y1+y2+y3
y=a(1+2 cos 2πt) sin 2πvt
or y=A sin 2πvt
where A=a(1+2 cos 2πt) is the resultant amplitude.
Now, the resultant intensity ∝ A2. Now A2 will be maximum when
cos 2πt=+1
or 2πt=0,2π,4π, . . . . etc.
or t = 0, 1s, 2s,. . . . etc.
∴ Time period of beats = time interval between two consecutive maxima = 1s. Hence the beat frequency is 1 Hz, i.e., one beat is heard per second which is choice (d).