The correct option is A Germplasm
Total of specialized protoplasm other than germplasm in individual body or protoplasm of somatic cells is termed as somatoplasm. Germplasm is protoplasm of germ cells (egg and sperm cells) or any living tissues with the capability of generating new organisms. The germplasm is inherited from parents to offspring along with gametes; thus any mutation in germplasm is passed to progeny which is a requisite for successful mutation; option B is correct. Since somatoplasm is not passed to offspring, any mutation in it affects that individual only and is not passed to offspring which makes option A incorrect. The liquid phase of cell nucleus which harbours the nucleolus and chromatin and other structures is called as karyolymph. Similarly, the mutation in zygote affects single individual that develops from that zygote. Option C is incorrect. The granular endoplasmic reticulum that has studded ribosomes on its surface is called as ergastoplasm which is not inherited to offspring and thus is not suitable for successful mutation; option D is incorrect. Correct option B is correct.