To decide the winner of the game the players decide to rank themselves. The player who has more exports in all the trading done between the two players gets 2 points. All pairs of players are taken into consideration and the players are ranked according to the total number of points obtained. If two players get the same number of points then the player with more number of exports among those will get the higher ranking. Based on this scoring system, who will be ranked third?
Cannot be determined
Player 1Player 2Export ofExport ofWinner Player 1Player 2 to 2to 1VishalSuresh5035VishalVishalAshutosh4017VishalVishalAbhishek4470AbhishekVishalHitesh5798HiteshVishalBharat6835VishalSureshAshutosh359SureshSureshAbhishek5832SureshSureshHitesh4364HiteshSureshBharat5925SureshAshutoshAbhishek1528AbhishekAshutoshHitesh753HiteshAshutoshBharat2457BharatAbhishekHitesh6845AbhishekAbhishekBharat3562BharatHiteshBharat5235Hitesh
RankPlayerNumber of timesPoints Winner1Hitesh482Vishal362Suresh362Abhishek364Bharat245Ashutosh00
We cannot determine the answer as there is a tie between 3 players and we do not know how to break that tie.