Arrange 1.465 , 1.472, 1.4691 and 1.4069 in ascending order.
1.4069, 1.465, 1.4691, 1.472
The whole number part of all the decimals is 1.
The digit in the tenths place of all the decimals is 4.
The digit in the hundredths place of 1.465 = 6.
The digit in the hundredths place of 1.472 = 7.
The digit in the hundredths place of 1.4691 = 6.
The digit in the hundredths place of 1.4069 = 0.
Comparing the hundredths place of 1.472 and 1.465, we have 7 (1.472) > 6 (1.465).
Hence, the largest decimal is 1.472.
Comparing hundredths place of 1.465, 1.4691 and 1.4069 , we have
6 (1.465 and 1.4691) > 0 (1.4069)
Hence, the smallest decimal is 1.4069.
Comparing the thousandths place of 1.465 and 1.4691, we have 5(1.465) < 9 (1.4691).
Arranging in ascending order , we have:
1.4069, 1.465, 1.4691, 1.472.