To transmit electrical digital signal over regular telephone line, we require.
To transmit electrical digital signal over regular telephone line, we require Modem.
Modems: Your gateway to the internet. To bring the internet into your home, you're going to need a modem. This is a small device that connects to your internet service provider (ISP) to tap into all that internet goodness. ... Your modem shares this connection with a computer or a router via an Ethernet cable.
A Modem or Broadband Modem is a hardware device that connects a computer or router to a broadband network. For example, a Cable Modem and DSL Modem are two examples of these types of Modems.
An analog-to-digital converter, or ADC as it is more commonly called, is a device that converts analog signals into digital signals. Analog information is transmitted by modulating a continuous transmission signal by amplifying a signal's strength or varying its frequency to add or take away data.