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trace out the events that led to the right to vote for women in france .

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a. Before the French Revolution, Women were considered to be socially inferior to men, Most women had no access to education. Only the women belonging to the first and second estate, daughters of the nobles and other wealthier class had access to education.
b. Women from the third estates were involved in small jobs, some sold fruits, flowers, some were employed as domestic servants.
c. Women thus played an active role in the French revolution. . They were involved in some of the major events associated with revolution like the attack on the Bastille, in storming government buildings, the October Days of 1789, the Reign of Terror, and bread riots throughout the revolution.

d In the wake of revolutionary war which brought huge losses to the people, women also formed political clubs to show their discontentment.

e. During the reign of terror, many prominent women were arrested like Olympe De gouges and women clubs were banned. In fact, Olympe De Gouges had demanded equal rights for women, she wrote Declaration of rights of the Woman and citizen and gave recognition to the rights of a Woman and regarded women as active citizens like men , with equal participation in the governance of the country.
f. However, even after the revolution they were accorded the status of passive citizens and were not granted political rights.Later, women also pressurised the revolutionary government to fulfil their demands and be sensitive to their interests
g Women thus, organised groups, clubs in order to voice their views, demanding equal set of political rights, right to vote.
h. Some efforts were made to improve the conditions of women, like laws were made related to marriage, divorce was legalised, schools were set up , schooling was made compulsory for girls.
i.It was finally in 1946, that women were given right to vote.


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