Two sets A and B are such that A ∩B=ϕ. Draw a venn-diagram to show the relationship between A and B. Shade the region representing :
(i) A ∪ B
(ii) (A ∪ B)'
(iii) B - A
(iv) B ∩ A'
(i) A ∪ B =
(ii) (A ∪ B)' =
(iii) B - A =
(iv) B ∩ A' =
Draw a Venn-diagram to show the re-lationship between two sets A and B ; such that A⊆B, Now shade the region representing :
(i) A∪B
(ii) B′∩A
(iii) A∩B
(iv) (A∪B)′