Under what heads the following items on the Equity and Liabilities side of the Balance Sheet of a Company will be presented :
(i) Proposed Dividend
(ii) Unpaid/Unclaimed Dividend
(iii) Debentures
(iv) Matured Debentures
(v) Calls in Arrears
(vi) Sinking Fund
(vii) Provision for Provident Fund
(viii) Bills Payable
(ix) Public Deposits
Sr. No.ItemsHeadingSub-heading(if any)(i)Proposed DividendContigent Liabilities innotes to accounts.(ii)Unpaid/UnclaimedCurrent Liabilities'Other Current Liabilities'Dividend(iii)DebenturesNon-Current LiabilitiesLong-term BorrowingsivMatured DebentresCurrent LiabilitiesOther Current Liabilities(v)Calls in ArrearsShareholder's FundsIt will be deducted from Subscribed but not fullypaid Capital(vi)Sinking FundShareholder's FundsReserve and Surplus(vii)Provision for Provident FundNon-Current Liabilities'Long - term Provisions'(viii)Bills PayableCurrent LiabilitiesTrade Payables(ix)Public DepositsNon-Current LiabilitiesLong term Borrowings
Attention :
1. Sundry Debtors and Bills Receivable will be termed 'Trade Receivables'.
2. Sundry Creditors and Bills Payable will be termed 'Trade Payables'.