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We know that plants require nutrients. If we supply these in excess, will it be beneficial to the plants? If yes, how/ If no, why?

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Importance of nutrients:

Plants require nutrients for their growth and reproduction. Being a part of biomolecules, they form the structural components of the cell as well as take part in biochemical reactions.

Excess/ deficiency of nutrients:

The concentration of the element below which the plant growth gets retarded is referred to as critical concentration.

● Lack of appropriate concentration of essential elements/ concentration below critical concentration of that element in plants causes deficiency symptoms.

● Micronutrients if present in large amounts (above their critical concentration) leads to toxicity.

Effects of toxicity:

Toxicity of an element often inhibits the uptake and functionality of other elements. For example, Mn toxicity inhibits the uptake of Fe and Mg as it competes with them leading to their deficiency. Besides, it competes with Mg for binding to the certain enzymes that hamper plant physiology. Ca transport to shoot apices is also affected resulting in its improper utilisation in the plants.

Final answer:

No. Excess of an element results in toxicity hampering plant growth.

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