What are five types of salts? Explain with examples.
The salts are classified in the following ways:–
(1) Normal Salts
The salts which are obtained by complete replacement of the ionizable hydrogen ions or hydroxyl ion by a metallic ion of the base are called normal salts.
Example: Hydrochloric acid(HCl) reacts with Sodium hydroxide(NaOH) to form sodium chloride(NaCl) and water(H2O).
(2) Acidic Salts
The salts which are obtained by the partial replacement of ionizable hydrogen atoms of a polybasic acid by a metal ion of the base are called acidic salts.
Example: Sulphuric acid(H2SO4) reacts with Sodium hydroxide(NaOH) to form Sodium hydrogen sulphate(NaHSO4) and water.
(3) Basic Salt
The salt which is formed by partial replacement of hydroxyl (–OH) groups of a poly acidic base by an acid radical is called basic salts.
Example: Lead hydroxide(Pb(OH)2) reacts with hydrochloric acid(HCl) to Lead oxychloride and water.
Lead hydroxide Lead oxychloride
(4) Double salt
The salt which is obtained by the crystallization of two simple salts or from a mixture of their saturated salt solutions is known as double salts.
Example: Potash alum
Potash alum (Double salt)
(5) Mixed Salt
The salts containing more than one cation or anion other than H+ or OH– ions are called mixed salts.
Example: Bleaching powder(CaOCl2) contains two anions Cl− and OCl−)