What are maxima and minima?
Determining the maxima and minima.
The maximum value (Maxima) of a graph is the point where the has the largest value.
The minimum value (minima) is the point on the graph where the has the smallest value.
Difference between maxima and minima:
Maxima and minima are indeed the maximum and smallest values of a function within the given intervals or ranges. Therefore, maxima and minima are referred to as a function's extrema. Under the whole range of any given function, the largest value is known as the absolute maxima, and the least value is known as the absolute minima.
These phrases maxima and minima relate to the maximum and least values that a function can achieve. Maximum leads to a high feasible quantity or the top bound. An absolute maximum of a function is the largest number contained in the function's range.
Hence, A maxima point on the graph will become the highest point inside the supplied range, as well as the minima point would be the lowest point on the curve.