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What are organ malfunction diseases? Explain any two of such diseases.

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Organ malfunction diseases:
1. Non- communicable diseases developed in the body due to disrupted functioning of an organ are called metabolic diseases or organ malfunction diseases.
2. The major factors that result in malfunctioning or impairment of an organ can be hereditary (passed from one generation to another) and environmental factors.
3. Example: diabetes mellitus, heart diseases, renal diseases.

Two metabolic diseases:
Diabetes mellitus:
1. The beta cells of islets of Langerhans present in the pancreas which secretes insulin. Insulin regulates the synthesis of glycogen from the excess glucose present in the blood.
2. When these cells fail to produce insulin in sufficient quantity, the level of sugar in the blood rises tremendously and is passed out in the urine. This condition of the body is known as diabetes mellitus. Other symptoms include weight loss, excessive thirst, tiredness, and frequent need to urinate.

Heart diseases:
1. Diseases engaged with the issues of blood vessels and the heart are known as heart diseases. The main causes of such diseases are stress, ideal lifestyle, and unhealthy food habits. The common heart diseases are atherosclerosis and angina.
2. Atherosclerosis: Hardening and narrowing of the coronary arteries due to the accumulation of plaque (sticky substance composed of fats, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances) along their inner lining can lead to atherosclerosis.
3. Angina: Due to abnormal hardening of arteries the passage of blood through the arteries becomes narrower which affects the normal supply of blood drastically to the heart and other organs of the body. This tends to increase blood pressure, which may lead to angina or temporary heart pain.

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