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What are the 2 types of respiration that a cell can use to make ATP?

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  1. The process through which cells obtain chemical energy by consuming oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide is known as respiration.
  2. To maintain respiration, plant cells, like animal cells, require oxygen and a means to dispose of carbon dioxide.
  3. Plants, unlike animals, do not have distinct organs for gas exchange, therefore every part of the plant, including the root and stem, performs respiration.
  4. There are two types of respiration in plants namely aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration based on the presence or absence of oxygen.

Aerobic respiration:

  1. Aerobic respiration refers to breathing that occurs in the presence of oxygen.
  2. The utilization of oxygen to break molecular bonds in glucose releases enormous amounts of energy in aerobic respiration. It is the principal source of energy for plants.
  3. Animals and plants that breathe oxygen are known as aerobes. The majority of animals employ aerobic respiration.
  4. Because aerobic respiration involves the complete breakdown of glucose with the use of oxygen, it demands more energy.

Anaerobic respiration

  1. The process of breathing without the utilization of oxygen is known as anaerobic respiration.
  2. To create partial oxidation of food components, carbon dioxide CO2 and alcohol are employed in this process.
  3. Anaerobic respiration is used by yeast, bacteria, and parasitic worms, among other things.
  4. Due to the only partial breakdown of glucose that occurs in anaerobic respiration in the absence of oxygen, anaerobic respiration produces significantly less energy.
  5. All organisms that obtain energy by anaerobic respiration may survive in the absence of oxygen.

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