Evolution is a process of gradual change that occurs over many generations.
During which species of animals, plants, or insects gradually change some of their physical characteristics.
These variations are occurring due to changes in the environmental conditions and also these variations help the organism to survive in this challenging environment.
Because it explains how life developed on Earth and how many species are related, evolution is crucial.
Evolutionary interactions aid in the diversity of life, the solution of biological issues, and much more.
The four main factors affecting evolution are:
Gene flow:
Gene flow is the basic agent of evolution based on the dispersal of genes between species populations.
This includes the active or passive movement of individual plants, animals, gametes, or seeds.
Genetic drift:
Genetic drift can result in the loss of rare alleles and reduce the size of the gene pool.
Genetic drift can also cause a new population to be genetically different from its original population, leading to the assumption that genetic drift plays a role in the evolution of new species.
A mutation happens when a DNA gene is harmed or altered in a way that modifies the genetic code the gene carries.
A substance known as a mutagen is capable of permanently altering the physical characteristics of a DNA gene, changing the genetic information contained inside.
When a gene is harmed or altered, the mRNA that results from that gene's transcription now carries a different message.
Natural selection:
Natural selection occurs if four conditions are met: heredity, reproduction, variation in physical characteristics, and changes in the number of offspring per person.
Natural selection is the phenomenon where nature selects the organisms having traits favourable to the environment. The positive heritable changes (variations), that benefit a species will continue to stay in nature while the rest will be eliminated.