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What are the different types of cells in the human body?

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  1. Living organisms are made up of minute compartments known as cells.
  2. They can perform all life activities.
  3. A cell has a mass of protoplasm which has a nucleus and is bounded by the cell membrane.
  4. New cells arise from the pre-existing cells by their division.

Different types of cells:

  • Red blood cells:
  1. They are minute, biconcave, disc-like cells of 7.8μmin diameter.
  2. They do not have a nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi body.
  3. They contain hemoglobin and help in the transport of oxygen.
  • White blood cells:
  1. They are nucleated, rounded, amoeboid cells of 12-20 μm in size.
  2. They have a nucleus, mitochondria, ER, and Golgi complex.
  3. They are the body's defense system and protect the body against pathogens.
  • Platelets:
  1. They are small, roughly, rounded and disclike structures.
  2. They are essential for blood clotting.
  • Stem cells:
  1. They are undifferentiated and unspecialized cells.
  2. They can multiply indefinitely by mitosis.
  3. They can be used to treat congenital disorders and blood cancers.
  • Muscle cells:
  1. It is an unbranched and cylindrical fiber.
  2. It is 10-100μm in thickness and 10-40mm long.
  3. They help in the contraction of muscles.
  • Nerve cells:
  1. Nerve cells are also called neurons.
  2. It is the basic unit of structure of the nerve cell.
  3. They are the longest cell present in the human body.
  4. They function to conduct nerve impulses throughout the body.

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