The factors of sublimation are:
1. Temperature: Rate of evaporation increase with increase in temperature.
This is because with increase in temperature more number of particles
get enough kinetic energy to go into vapour state.
2. Surface Area: The rate of evaporation increases on increasing the
surface area of liquid.
3. Humidity: Humidity is the amount of water vapour present in air. Air around us cannot hold
more than a definite quantity of water vapour at given temperature. If the amount of water in
air is already large i.e., humidity is more, the rate of evporation decreases. Thus, the rate of
evaporation increase with decrease in humidity in the atmosphere.
4. Wind speed: The rate of evaporation also increases with increase in speed of the wind. This
is because with increas in speed of wind, the particles of water vapour move away with wind
resulting decrease in amount of vapour in the atmosphere.