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What are the functions of the following organs?
(a) Heart
(b) Brain
(c) Roots
(d) Leaves

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a) The heart is a pump, which moves the blood. The arteries and veins are the pipes through which the blood flows. The lungs provide a place to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen. The heart is a hollow, muscular organ, which functions as a pump for the movement of blood through the body.

b) The brain controls our thoughts, memory and speech, movement of the arms and legs, and the function of many organs within our body. The central nervous system (CNS) is composed of the brain and spinal cord.

c) The first root that comes from a plant is called the radicle. Four major functions of the root are:

1) absorption of water and inorganic nutrients,

2) anchoring of the plant body to the ground, and supporting it,

3) storage of food and nutrients,

4) vegetative reproduction and competition with other plants.


1. Photosynthesis: The process of producing food, known as Photosynthesis, mainly occurs in the leaves of most angiosperms. This process essentially involves the absorption of light mainly by the chlorophyll pigments and the absorption of carbon dioxide via the stomatal pores in the leaves. As a result of the cleavage of the water molecule during photosynthesis, oxygen is generated and released to the atmosphere.

2. Interchange of Gases: Leaves have numerous tiny openings called stomata. Through these minute pores exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs during photosynthesis and respiration. During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide enters the leaves and oxygen is given out while during respiration, oxygen enters the leaves and carbon dioxide is given out.

3. Evaporation of Water: The excess water present in the plant evaporates through stomata on the leaves. This process is called transpiration.

4. Floral induction: The plant leaves synthesize and translocate the flower-inducing hormone called florigen to the buds.

5. Storage of Food: In onion the fleshy leaves or scales of onion store water and food in them. Fleshy and succulent leaves of desert plants always store some water and food in them.

6. Vegetative Propagation: Leaves of some plants produce buds on them. These buds can grow into new plants. Such leaves are found in Bryophyllum and Begonia.

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