Root structure can be divided into five categories.
The root cap, region of meristematic activity, region of elongation, region of maturity, and root hairs are the main components of the root.
The root apical meristem (RAM), a region of dividing cells that generates all the cells in the root, is shielded by the root cap, which is found near the tip of the root.
The terminal meristems are the areas of the stem and root tips (apices) that experience fast cell division.
The promeristem is located at the top of the stem apex, and the file, or rib, the meristem is a region of early cell walls that are transversely orientated.
The newly produced cells grow longer in the zone of elongation, lengthening the root in the process.
Long tubular outgrowths from root epidermal cells are known as root hairs.