Heart is an organ that is most essential for the life of humans or animals.
Heart pumps oxygenated blood throughout the body.
The normal heartbeat of an adult may vary between 60 to 90 beats per minute.
Symptoms of a weak heart:
Shortness of breath: The lung chamber volume decreases leading to shortness of breath.
Persistent cough: Due to low heart function the blood circulation decreases, and the body tissues are devoid of oxygen. Any activity that causes shortness of breath also leads to persistent coughing.
Weakness: Since the heart is weak, blood isn't pumped properly through the body. This decreases the oxygen content in the body and leads to weakness.
Edema: it is the term given for swelling of legs, ankles, and feet because of the narrowing of arteries by the accumulation of lipids.
Chestpain: the chest tightness causes severe pain when the condition worsens.