The factors for which varietal improvement is done are :
(i) To get higher yield : To increase the productivity of the crop per acre.
(ii) To get improved quality : Quality considerations
of crop products vary from crop to crop. Baking quality is important in
wheat, protein quality in pulses, oil quality in oilseeds and
preserving quality in fruits and vegetables.
(iii) To get biotic and abiotic resistance : Crop production
can go down due to biotic (diseases, insects and pests) and abiotic
(drought, salinity, water logging, heat, cold and frost) stresses under
different situations. Varieties resistant to these stresses can improve
crop production.
(iv) To get early and uniform crop maturity :
The shorter the duration of the crop from sowing to harvesting, the more
economical is the variety. Such short duration allows farmers to
grow multiple rounds of crops in a year. Short duration also reduces the
cost of crop production. Uniform maturity makes the harvesting process
easy and reduces losses during harvesting.
(v) To get wider adaptability : Developing varieties for wider adaptability will help in stabilizing the
crop production under different environmental conditions. One variety
can then be grown under different climatic conditions in different
(vi) To get desirable agronomic characteristics : Tallness and
profuse branching are desirable characters for fodder crops. Dwarfness
is desired in cereals, so that less nutrients are consumed by these
crops. Thus developing varieties of desired agronomic characters help in giving higher productivity.