Electrostatic charge is the basic physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when kept in an electric or magnetic field.
Electrostatic charge refers to an imbalance between the electric charge in a body, specifically the imbalance between the negative and the positive charges on a body.
Electrostatic charges follow the rule that similar charges repulse each other and dissimilar charges attract each other.
Electrostatic charges are generated when two bodies are rubbed with each other and they gain different charges.
Sometimes due to friction, there is a generation of electrostatic charges.
When two bodies are rubbed with each other, it causes electrostatic charges.
An excess or shortage of electrons on the particle surface is represented by an electrostatic charge.
It is reasonable to believe that this charge is present on the particle surface as a layer of absorbed gas or moisture. mechanisms that cause particle surfaces to naturally charge.
The design of electrostatic classifiers and precipitators is based on the idea that the electrostatic charge produced on a particle is proportional to the particle's surface area.
Additionally, the behaviour of particles in an electric field is controlled by the existence of an electrostatic charge on particle surfaces.