The proteins produced by living organisms to bring about certain metabolic and biochemical reactions in the body are known as enzymes.
Enzyme deficiency causes hazardous chemicals to accumulate.
This disrupts normal organ functions and cause failure in the production of critical biological molecules and other intermediates.
Enzyme dysfunction is linked to the following diseases:
Carnitine deficiency: The deficiency of carnitine in cells leads to a disturbance in the metabolism of fats, makes the muscles weak, low blood glucose levels, and shortness of breath.
Acid maltase deficiency: (AMD) is caused by mutations in the acid alpha-glucosidase gene, characterized by the feeling of weakness in the legs, and shortness of breath.
Debrancher enzyme deficiency: The deficiency of the debrancher enzyme interferes with glyconeogenesis ( storing carbohydrates in glycogen form), thus the body will not able to store carbohydrates in the body in form of glycogen.