What do first two digits of GSTIN represent?
GSTIN (Goods and Service Tax Identification Number) is dealer's identification number. It is mandatory for the dealer whose annual turn over in previous financial year exceeds ₹20 lacs. It has 15 alpha-numericals which includes 10 digit PAN of the dealer.
27 A B C D E 1 2 3 4 H 1 Z 5
This number can be understood easily by dividing it in five parts:
27 - A B C D E 1 2 3 4 H - 1 - Z - 5
i) First two digits, i.e., 27, represent state code. 27 is the state code of Maharashtra.
ii) A B C D E 1 2 3 4 H is the 10 digit PAN of the firm.
iii) 1 represents one registration.
iv) Z is uniform for all (by default).
v) 5 is the check sum digit (confirms the validity of GSTIN when entred on GST portal).