Dear Student,
Belgian model of power sharing is the model where by the country has shared and distributed power in a manner that provides for equal representation at the centre which is unlike, as mostly it is in proportion to the population of diverse groups.
Elements of Belgian model:
a. The political leadership recognised linguistic differences in the country and modified the Constitution to accommodate diverse communities that is the French, the German and the Dutch. They realised in order to maintain unity of the country it was imperative to share power and represent different groups.
b. Belgian leaders provided for a Central government which provides for a equal representation of both Dutch and French speaking ministers in the Central government.
c. The Belgium Government provided for a separate government in Brussels with equal representation to both linguistic communities that is the French and dutch.
d. It also provided for state governments with division of power between the central and state governments.
e. Belgium also provided for a community government elected by the elected by people belonging to one language community – Dutch, French and German-speaking. The Community government decides on matters related to culture, education, language etc.