What do you mean by heat? How is it measured? Which thermometer is used for measuring the human body temperature and how is it different? [5 MARKS]
Heat : 2 Marks
How is it measured : 1 Mark
Clinical Thermometer : 2 Marks
Heat is a form of energy which flows from hot body to cold body. Greater the heat energy, hotter will be the body. Heat is transferred from a body at a higher temperature to a body of lower temperature.
A thermometer is used to measure the temperature of a substance. It contains a liquid in general which expands by a uniform amount depending on the heat present in the body.
A clinical thermometer is used for measuring the temperature of human body. It has two specialities. It is calibrated from 35 degree to 42 degree Celcius since the temperature that it has to measure is always within this range. It also has a kink to prevent the mercury falling from the reading it got.