How many kilometers is your home away from the closest market?
a) Less than 1 km
b) Between 1 km to 2 km
c) More than 2 km
(ii) The particular question, ‘If plastic bags are only 5 percent of our garbage, should it be banned?’ is too long which discourages people to complete the questionnaire.
The correct question should be:
Do you think use of plastic bags should be banned?
a) Yes
b) No
(iii) Although the answer to this question needs a wider view and knowledge of the economic condition and far reaching effect of rise in petrol price, but the majority of people will argue against such rise. Thus, more effective question could be:
Do you think the hike of prices of petrol is justified?
a) Yes
b) No
(iv) The correct order of the above questions should be: What is the yield per hectare in your field?
(v) Do you use fertilisers in your fields?
(vi) Do you agree with the use of chemical fertilisers?