What do you understand about Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors of disease? [ 5 MARKS ]
Explanation of Intrinsic factors: 2.5 Marks
Explanation of Extrinsic Factors: 2.5 Marks
Generally, Disease causing factors may be divided into following groups –
The disease causing factors which exist within the human body are called intrinsic factors. The diseases caused by intrinsic factors are called organic or metabolic diseases. The important intrinsic factors which affect human health are the following :
- Malfunctioning or improper functioning of various body parts such as
Some of the diseases caused by intrinsic sources are -
(B) Extrinsic or External Factors:
The factors causing diseases existing outside the human body are called extrinsic or external factors.
The important extrinsic factors which upset human health are the following - Unbalanced diet, Diseases causing micro-organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, environmental pollutants, tobacco, alcohol, and narcotic drugs.
Extrinsic factors affect the health of our body by interfering with normal functioning of the body system.
Some of the diseases caused by extrinsic factors are –