Many elements are used in everyday life. Some of them are listed below:-
Carbon- Our body is made up of 18% Carbon. Sugar, proteins, vitamins, etc all are made up of Carbon. Apart from this Carbon is used in medicinal industries for making drugs and medicines. Carbon dioxide gas we release during respiration is used by plants for the process of photosynthesis.
Hydrogen- It is used inthe synthesis of water which is essential for life.It is used in making fertilizers, ammonia, etc.Other than this Hydrogen is used as rocket fuel to create strong explosions.
Oxygen- It is essential for respiration, circulation, and many more physiological processes.We cannot live without Oxygen.
Chlorine- It is used as a disinfectant for water.Industrial and sewage waste help in sanitization.It is used as a bleaching agent.
Sulphur-It is used in the synthesis of Sulfuric acid. It is also used in making insecticides and fungicides.
Calcium-Calcium makes strong bones and teeth. It is important for physiological processes like the movement of muscles, for nerves, carry signals from the brain to body parts. Calcium carbonate is used in the cement industry in the synthesis of cement.
Iron- Iron is an important element of our blood and helps in the transportation of food and minerals. Apart from this Iron is used in industries in the manufacture of structural elements for building, machinery and tools, and many more.
Phosphorus -It is used in making matches, fertilizers, phosphorus bronze, detergents, and many more.
Nitrogen -Nitrogen is an essential element in the synthesis of proteins, in medicine manufacturing, food packing, and preservation, etc.
Sodium - It helps in synthesis of many reagents in chemical industries (Sodium hydroxide), Sodium borohydrides ()etc. Apart from this Sodium salts are used in medicinal industries. The salt we consume in our food is (Sodium chloride).
Other than these elements many other elements like Magnesium, Zinc, Neon, and Helium are also used in our daily life.