Buoyancy is the upward force exerted by the fluids over the surface contact of the objects which is immersed in fluid .
When an object is immersed in water, it exerts upward thrust over the object.
If the force exerted by the object > upthrust or buoyancy , object sinks .
he force exerted by the object < upthrust or buoyancy , object floats.
Factors which effects buoyancy:
1)volume of the immersed object: bouyancy increases with increase in vol of the object.
2)density of the fluid.:
Bouyancy increases with increase in density of the fluid.Denser fluid exert more upthrust.
1.Swimming:we are able to swim because of upthrust produced by the water.
2.Flying bird or aeroplane: they fly in air because of the upthrust given by the fluid air
3. Ship float in water because upthrust produced by large vol of water displaced by it.